Created by Jason Trost (@jason_trost)
networksetup extensive tool for reading and setting various network configuration details useful for Discovery and Command and Control.
Created | Tactics | Tags |
2023-04-22 | Discovery Command and Control | network configuration dns proxy |
Use Cases
network device enumeration
Use networksetup to display services with corresponding port and device in order they are tried for connecting to a network.
networksetup -listnetworkserviceorder
Detect connected network hardware
Use networksetup to detect new network hardware and create a default network service on the hardware.
networksetup -detectnewhardware
network device enumeration
Use networksetup to list all network interfaces, providing name, device name, MAC address.
networksetup -listallhardwareports
network device enumeration
Use networksetup to list all network interface names.
networksetup -listallnetworkservices
DNS server enumeration
Use networksetup to get configured DNS servers for a specific interface.
networksetup -getdnsservers Wi-Fi
Enumerate configured web proxy URL for an interface
Displays web proxy auto-configuration information for the specified interface.
networksetup -getautoproxyurl "Thunderbolt Ethernet"
Enumerate configured web proxy for an interface
Displays standard web proxy information for the specified interface.
networksetup -getwebproxy "Wi-Fi"
Set the https web proxy for an interface
Use networksetup to set the https web proxy for an interface.
networksetup -setsecurewebproxy "Wi-Fi"
Set the http web proxy for an interface
Use networksetup to set the http web proxy for an interface.
networksetup -setwebproxy "Wi-Fi"
Set auto proxy URL for an interface
Use networksetup to set the proxy URL for an interface.
networksetup -setautoproxyurl "Wi-Fi" $autoProxyURL
Enable auto proxy state
Use networksetup to enable the proxy auto-config
networksetup -setautoproxystate "Wi-Fi" on
- No detections at time of publishing
Mac Malware of 2017 - a comprehensive analysis of the new mac malware of 17
Analyzing OSX.DazzleSpy - A fully-featured cyber-espionage macOS implant
The Mac Malware of 2018 - a comprehensive analysis of the new mac malware of - 18
From The DPRK With Love - analyzing a recent north korean macOS backdoor