
Created by Brendan Chamberlain (@infosecB)


The defaults binary is normally used to interact with the user defaults system, a database of macOS used to manage system settings much like the Windows Registry. The database can be abused by threat actors to change settings in attempt to evade defenses or to gain persistence.

2023-05-24Defense Evasion Discovery Persistencegatekeeper firewall


  • /usr/bin/defaults

Use Cases

Disable Gatekeeper’s auto rearm functionality

The following command can be used to disable Gatekeepers rearm functionality. This command requires root privileges.

sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ GKAutoRearm -bool NO

Show mounted servers

Show all mounted servers on the desktop.

defaults read "ShowMountedServersOnDesktop"

Add a login item to the current user

An attacker can use defaults to add a login hook in attempt to gain persistence. This command requires root privileges.

sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ LoginHook

Get Active Directory user info from Jamf Connect

Retrieve Active Directory user info from Jamf Connect defaults configuration.

defaults read com.jamf.connect.state

Enable Firewall

Enables macOS’ default firewall. This command requires root privileges.

sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ globalstate -int 1

Disable Firewall

Disables macOS’ default firewall. This command requires root privileges.

sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ globalstate -int 0


  • No detections at time of publishing
